
Today the sun shines. The banks of snow begin to warm and sink into the still hidden earth. Spring is not yet here, but its song is whispered. Our winter souls recognize the melody and start to thaw…

Joy erupts…

Today I had bharatanatyam class #19 with Supratim Talukder. In spite of his observation that my attempt at Natta Adavus #8 was woefully lacking, I feel flooded by an irrepressible optimism. Guided by his observations, I will improve. And he introduced me to some rhythmic footwork in the Pancha Nadai. I love playing with rhythm. My father was an amateur percussionist, and I carry on his love of rhythm. I’m SO excited to explore this new footwork! Beating out rhythms with my feet…

The rhythm of the changing season fills my soul. Time to get out for a walk – to taste the promise that fills the air.


Photo credit: Sophie Chargé

Tiny Treasures

The water-sucking, green carpet front lawn paradigm needs to be re-thought.

A neighbour’s enthusiasm for creating a more insect-friendly environment by letting our lawns grow inspired me to experiment. I’ve mowed the grass 3 times so far this summer, and on the highest setting (about 4 inches). Also, I’ve established a no-mow zone about 10 feet by 12 feet in an oval around some little birch trees. I keep an eye out for noxious-type weeds, but have been letting other little things fly in and take root.


Today I found ripe wild strawberries in a little patch. I ate the tiny tasty fruit, remembering foraging for these as a kid in a nearby field. Remembering the sweet sun-warmed tiny treasures – just there, free for the taking. After 50 years of remembering, I knelt down close to the earth and foraged again. Tasting the wild sweetness of summer…

And other discoveries too! Different wildflowers are flying in. My lawn mowing must look quite comical as I swerve around in crazy patterns so as not to disturb the beauty.

The intense unexpected beauty just waiting to take root in our lives.

